You will gain a lot by understanding what’s to be covered in a CAFCASS interview and to have had time to think about how you’ll reply. So prepare well. Read their interview plan to see what CAFCASS cover in their interview, understand the principles by which they work and read my previous blogs with more CAFCASS information.
An Investigator’s Guide to Stalking
This small book, funded by the Home Office who commissioned Hamish Brown’s research, deals with both the victims of stalkers and the perpetrators of their especial type of torture. The book is designed to ensure that police investigators will be fully informed as to how to recognise a stalker – what they are likely to do, how they can destroy their victim and when stalking might become really dangerous. There is advice for the police investigator, help for victims on how they can work with the police and good ideas for survival.
5 Real Life Situations You Need To Prove Using Evidence
Here are 5 examples are of serious problems which need proof if you’re going to deal with them successfully. They all involve the police and the courts. In every case you will need legal advice about what to do. Whether you succeed will depend on what you can prove and how good the evidence is. ONRECORD can help you make good records and improve your chances of success. Read our advice about making good records - you will need it in every case.