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We passionately believe in self reliance, taking responsibility and being able to fight your corner. We urge you to take control of your problems by gathering the evidence you need. Without evidence you have no case. ONRECORD is the best and easiest way to gather your evidence. You can sign up here

Jill Canvin

Co-Founder & Lawyer
George Hibbert

George Hibbert

Co-Founder & Doctor

Giving a voice to those who are not heard

The ONRECORD app, by storing good quality and detailed evidence online, which can be securely shared with professionals, provides the best opportunity for anyone to penetrate the resistance to them being heard. There are plenty of powerful figures, such as those suppressing the information about child abuse on the British mainland and the Channel Islands, who will try to silence victims. In the end, though, being able to present your evidence clearly and share it securely is the most effective way of ensuring that cover-ups are uncovered and the guilty face justice.

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The Family Court: Domestic Abuse, Coercive Control, Parental Alienation and False Allegations

Join us to learn more about the family court and its treatment of victims and perpetrators of abuse, coercive control, parental alienation and false allegations. Subscribe to our podcast channel and get reminders to know when we next publish.

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The CAFCASS ‘Tool’ for Assessing Coercive Control

Coercive behaviour is defined as “an act or a pattern of acts of assault, threats, humiliation and intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish, or frighten their victim. Coercive control involves repeated, ongoing, intentional tactics which are used to limit the liberty of the victim.

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How to represent yourself in the family court

When you represent yourself in a contested family case, in other words without a lawyer, you are a ‘litigant in person’ (LIP). It’s a daunting experience and the best way to cope is to understand what’s going to happen, who is going to do what, what issues are going to be seen as important and what will not be seen as important, get good advice and be organised and make sure you do what’s necessary.

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CAFCASS Assessments: Parental Alienation

As part of their Child Impact Assessment Framework (CIAF), CAFCASS have guidance on how to assess families and how they work with children where there is parental alienation.

The links in this blog will show you exactly what the Family Court Adviser (FCA) will use to assess or analyse your family and you can see exactly what CAFCASS thinks is useful. FCAs are expected to follow these processes although they do have discretion in how they conduct their assessments.

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CAFCASS Assessments: The Child Impact Assessment Framework (CIAF)

The Child Impact Assessment Framework (CIAF) sets out how CAFCASS think children experience parental separation, how the child’s reaction can be understood and what should be done. The framework consists of four guides which Cafcass practitioners can use to assess different types of problem, known as ‘case factors’.

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CAFCASS: Child Contact Interventions and the Separated Parents Information Programme

CAFCASS describe Child Contact Interventions (CCIs) as short-term interventions of supervised contact. They are designed to help adults and children establish safe and beneficial contact when it is difficult to do on their own. CAFCASS consider CCIs should be a ‘learning opportunity’ for parents with input from the Separated Parents Information Programme (SPIP).

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