ONRECORD Partner Programme

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If you are a solicitor, barrister, adviser, counsellor or are offering professional advice or support services, you’ll love partnering with ONRECORD. Once you complete the steps to becoming a partner you’ll get access to the application’s many benefits. These include marketing and learning resources, free adviser tools, discounts for clients and plenty of support to help your clients achieve the satisfaction you want for them.

ONRECORD Web ApplicationFree 5 day accessPartner
Connect to clients to have real-time access to
their records
Send and receive secure, confidential messages
See records in a:
Pie chart
Search and filter records
See when records were uploaded and by whom
Export and download chronologies
Plus the ONRECORD mobile app
Have real-time access to all clients' records
Send and receive secure, confidential messages
View client records in full, with attachments
See client records:
On a map
In a timeline
In a calendar

Let’s get started.

Tell us a bit about you and we’ll get in touch…


Immediate Access for Professionals

We provide immediate free access to ONRECORD for organisations and professionals who need to view their client’s records. Please follow our simple registration process to connect with your client’s evidence now.
