In a world in which you can often feel powerless, we want to give you a better opportunity to be heard, to be taken seriously and to be believed. That’s why we developed ONRECORD, the evidence gathering app. We want to help you to build and prove your case yourself, make more of an impact on those you need to influence or persuade and to be more in control of your own situation. ONRECORD allows you to play your part in proving what has happened in a way that no professional can. By helping you to present your evidence clearly, ONRECORD’s evidence gathering app gives you more power.
Better than paper records or digital notes. Better than relying on others
ONRECORD is better than trying to keep records on paper in a digital diary or notes, with different kinds of evidence needing to be organised and kept together. And it’s certainly better than taking assorted bits of evidence and leaving them to others to organise into a document, even if they’re professionals. If you rely on someone else, such as a police officer or an adviser, rather than make the record yourself:
- By the time you get to speak to them it may be days or weeks after the event;
- You are relying on your memory, which neither you, they nor others can be sure is accurate;
- That person writes down what they understand that you told them, which may not be the full or correct story;
- They write it in their own words, not yours. You may think that they have better words than you but their version is likely to be less compelling than the way you would put it because they weren’t there, they are not you and it’s not their problem.
If you make the record yourself, in your own words, as soon as you can after the event, with the additional evidence you can gather at the time, and upload it there and then, you will have produced something far more powerful than anyone else can make for you.
ONRECORD shows the time you upload your evidence to prove that it was made when your memory was fresh. This makes it far more credible than something recorded days or weeks after the event.
ONRECORD proves where you were when you made the record. If someone is out to make you look untruthful or untrustworthy or is lying about where you were and when, this is a game changer. With ONRECORD you can show where you were, when and add evidence (using photos or video) to show what you did. The days when you could only assert this kind of information and hope you’d be believed are over. Be under no illusions, decisions in court and in other places are often based on who is believed so make yourself the one who is believed.
ONRECORD allows you to link your records to the adviser of your choice and also gives you a separate, secure and private communication channel between you. Use this to ask for advice, raise queries or for any other communication agreed with your adviser. It’s more secure than email, more ‘downloadable’ than Whatsapp and a better organised way of keeping in touch with your adviser.
ONRECORD keeps you in charge of your evidence, more in control of what is happening to you and able to work and communicate securely and collaboratively with your adviser.
How ONRECORD helps you and your clients
If you encourage your clients to gather evidence through ONRECORD you’ll be able to link with their accounts, communicate with them more securely and help them build and prove their case. We have created a dedicated section on our website detailing how ONRECORD can help organisations.
It allows them to make records on the spot of what’s happening to them and upload any evidence they have in support, such as photos, screenshots or documents. With your guidance they’ll be able to record the things that are useful and in the way which will best suit their case. Advise them what labels to create (such as physical violence, threats, times of arrival at contact etc) so they know how their evidence should be organised and what’s crucial to prove.
Guide your clients to make records as soon as possible after the event to take advantage of ONRECORD’s mobile features. Because ONRECORD saves the date and time of every upload, your clients can become more credible by uploading their evidence soon after the event. Any suggestion that the records were made long afterwards can be disproved.
The geolocation feature will help your clients prove where they were. This is ideal in cases where false allegations are being made, such as disputes about attendance at children’s contact. It’s easy for your clients to prove when and where they were. For example if the house is empty when they go to collect children for contact or the door isn’t answered, a short video of the situation can be recorded and uploaded. Clients who are being criticised but are unable to prove what’s happening will find this an ideal way of getting things straight.
Not only can you review and download the client’s records of events but you also have the advice/messaging feature. You can communicate securely with your client about any issues, at a time which suits you and keep a record of all your exchanges. You won’t have to sort through the myriad other forms of communication clients turn to.