Credible evidence gets convictions

If you have sufficient and credible evidence, the Crown Prosecution Service will take it seriously and, if you have a case, will get convictions.

The Crown Prosecution Service website is a mine of information about all forms of crime and sets out in great detail what has to be proved by prosecutors to get a conviction. It gives lists of examples and details the issues prosecutors should take into account when deciding on criminal charges. If you want to make a case and make sure you understand what’s required in terms of evidence this is the place to go. It’s really useful for cases such as stalking, cyberstalking, domestic abuse, and harassment. Understanding how your case will be looked at by the police and CPS will help you make sure you provide the kind of evidence that’s required.

The Importance of Credible Evidence

This news article on their website gives an insight into a recent case where a former Cheshire councillor was found guilty of harassing the then MP for Warrington North, Helen Jones, by a relentless campaign of anonymous postings about her and her family on the Warrington Guardian and Warrington Worldwide websites under the pseudonyms BILLYWIRES and B1ILLYWIRES.

Read here about the case and what the judge decided

Jill Canvin


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